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Knowing God - Through Scripture Alone

We live in a world that has elevated personal experiences as primary truth.  The essence of this is that people are convinced of their experiences as a primary way of discerning truth over against the reasoned understanding of Scripture.
This is the world in which we live.  If Jesus is described as "full of grace and truth", our secular world has neither an understanding of the need of grace, nor a desire to see Jesus as truth.

John Calvin saw the need for mankind to understand that the Scriptures, as given by God, are primary in understanding both grace and truth - which ultimately lead to the knowledge of God.

"he added the light of his Word in order that he might make himself known unto salvation,"

Later Calvin added:

"With this view the law was promulgated, and prophets were afterwards added to be its interpreters. For though the uses of the law were manifold (Book 2 c. 7 and 8), and the special office assigned to Moses and all the prophets was to teach the method of reconciliation between God and man (whence Paul calls Christ “the end of the law,” Rom. 10:4); still I repeat that, in addition to the proper doctrine of faith and repentance in which Christ is set forth as a Mediator, the Scriptures employ certain marks and tokens to distinguish the only wise and true God, considered as the Creator and Governor of the world, and thereby guard against his being confounded with the herd of false deities. Therefore, while it becomes man seriously to employ his eyes in considering the works of God, since a place has been assigned him in this most glorious theatre that he may be a spectator of them, his special duty is to give ear to the Word,  that he may the better profit."

One more distinctive point to make here from Calvin:

"If true religion is to beam upon us, our principle must be, that it is necessary to begin with heavenly teaching, and that it is impossible for any man to obtain even the minutest portion of right and sound doctrine without being a disciple of Scripture. Hence, the first step in true knowledge is taken, when we reverently embrace the testimony which God has been pleased therein to give of himself. For not only does faith, full and perfect faith, but all correct knowledge of God, originate in obedience. And surely in this respect God has with singular Providence provided for mankind in all ages."

We live in a day that reflectively has marginalized the teaching of the word with the substitute of personalized experiences.  The post-modern mantra is that I have the truth within, I need no other source.

We will suffer for that in the church if we do not cling to the Word alone.



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