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Considering the implications of Knowing God

As Calvin's Institutes unfolds, he addresses the need for the knowledge of God.  Yet we immediately now faced with the implications of what that means.
Calvin addresses it straight forward:

"What avails it, in short, to know a God with whom we have nothing to do? 

The effect of our knowledge rather ought to be, first, to teach us reverence and fear; and, secondly, to
induce us, under its guidance and teaching, to ask every good thing from him, and, when it is
received, ascribe it to him. 

For how can the idea of God enter your mind without instantly giving rise to the thought, that since you are his workmanship, you are bound, by the very law of creation, to submit to his authority?—that your life is due to him?—that whatever you do ought to have reference to him? If so, it undoubtedly follows that your life is sadly corrupted, if it is not framed
in obedience to him, since his will ought to be the law of our lives."

That is the issue isn't it.  Why seek to know God if there's no desire to want to obey him in all things?
He adds to this argument with something profoundly crucial to realize.
This is worth meditating upon:

"He by whom God is thus known perceiving how he governs all things, confides in him as his guardian and protector, and casts himself entirely upon his faithfulness,—perceiving him to be the source of every blessing, if he is in any strait or feels any want, he instantly recurs to his protection and trusts to his aid,—persuaded that he is good and merciful, he reclines upon him with sure confidence, and doubts not that, in the divine clemency, a remedy will be provided for his every time of need,—acknowledging him as his Father and his Lords he considers himself bound to have respect
to his authority in all things, to reverence his majesty aim at the advancement of his glory, and obey
his commands,—regarding him as a just judge, armed with severity to punish crimes, he keeps the
Judgment-seat always in his view. 
Standing in awe of it, he curbs himself, and fears to provoke his anger. Nevertheless, he is not so terrified by an apprehension of Judgment as to wish he could withdraw himself, even if the means of escape lay before him; nay, he embraces him not less as the avenger of wickedness than as the rewarder of the righteous; because he perceives that it equally appertains to his glory to store up punishment for the one, and eternal life for the other. Besides, it is not the mere fear of punishment that restrains him from sin. Loving and revering God as his father, honouring and obeying him as his master, although there were no hell, he would revolt at the very idea of offending him.

Such is pure and genuine religion, namely, confidence in God coupled with serious fear—fear,
which both includes in it willing reverence, and brings along with it such legitimate worship as is
prescribed by the law. And it ought to be more carefully considered that all men promiscuously do
homage to God, but very few truly reverence him. On all hands there is abundance of ostentatious
ceremonies, but sincerity of heart is rare."

Something to think about:



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