It is Tuesday and in our reading thru the New Testament in a year's journey, we have come to the half-way point on this last day of June. First, I want to thank you for coming along with me, and secondly, I want to encourage you since you’ve made it through 6 of the 12 months in this journey. Today our reading is in Romans 12:1-21. I’d encourage you to read the passage it slowly and take in the many different things Paul writes, and then come back that we might look at it together. “I appeal to you, therefore” is the beginning of this transition from the doctrinal, theological aspects of the Gospel (Romans 1 – 11), to the beginning of the rest of this letter – the practical aspects of the Gospel. You might see vs 1 as a transition in the manner of – “Now that we have settled all of these things God does and is doing, let’s put it all into practice, personally doing the things we know are a result of God’s good news inside of you”. Paul’s “appeal” comes from the first...