Thursday, December 31 – You have come to the end of our readings thru the New Testament in a Year. First of all, I want to congratulate you for persevering in reading both the scriptures and these meager attempts of mine to give some devotional commentary. I have one reading that I’d like you to do first, and then come back here to get a big picture view of “what have we just read this year?” Please read Luke 1:5 – 37. Open to the front of your bible to the table of contents. You’ll notice immediately that the Bible is a story in two “testaments” – we call them the Old Testament and the New Testament. Testament relates the word “covenant”, which is an agreement made between two parties. It can sometimes be “conditional” in that one party agrees to do something “IF” the other party agrees to do something (think of a bank loan). Covenants can also be “unconditional”, where the one party says “I will do” for the other party (think...