It's the first Day of Advent, and I want to thank you for coming along with me as we celebrate that Our God Came to Earth For Us. I wanted to write a series of Advent meditations that could be geared towards children. The first part of this is written so that kids - your kids, my grandchildren - could read, or hear what is written and "enter into" Advent for themselves. If you don't have kids you can either read it, or just skip ahead to the section entitled "For Parents and Other Not Kids". These are purposefully short so that - hopefully - we can keep their interest. The beginning of Advent this year is going to be about how God Keeps His Promises. We'll start with Creation and move through the O.T. story to understand WHY God had to send His Son into the world. As the angel said to Joseph and Mary, "To save people from their sins". For the Kids: Advent reminds us about God. We can’t see God. That is one of my Granddaughters ...