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Coffee With Jesus

One of the more respected voices in the Evangelical movement that does not fit the status quo of typical Evangelicals is a pastor/theologian/writer by the name of Greg Boyd.
Greg has written a number of books, and one that I'm using at present in our Men's Fellowship is his very public letter exchange with his Father (who wasn't a believer at the time) entitled "Letters From A Skeptic".  What I love about the book is how highly personal it is, and yet how the biblical and theological reflections that Greg gives to his Father's questions are well thought out - regardless if you agree with every answer given.

Peter writes in 1 Peter 3:15 (NIV) 
15 But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, 

One of my concerns as a Pastor is that the essence of the verse is largely ignored in our churches today.  

First, we have a great need for people of faith to "set apart Christ as Lord".  The quality of much church life these days seems to be (and I recognize my own judgment enters into this) to entertain; teach biblically and theologically "lite";  build bigger and better without addressing what it means for believers to be disciples also.  To "set apart Christ as Lord" means the priority above all other things for a Christ-Centered approach to life in the Church.  Is he the center of worship?  Is the center of teaching?  Is he the purpose of gathering?  Is Jesus Christ set forth as "Lord" - the one who defines our faith, our values, our purpose for living?

Secondly, we have a great need for people of faith to "be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have."  One of the reasons - I believe - it's important to study, read, and think biblically and theologically is that we have to have substance and not just anecdote to speak about.  The things that Greg's Father wrestled with are the things that MANY people wrestle with.  It's the practical, everyday, and big-picture things that cause people to stumble in relation to a believing faith.  If we know anything at all about God, it is that he "so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son", so doesn't it seem reasonable to do all that we can to represent him truthfully and with knowledge?  

Thirdly, we have a great need for people of faith to "do this with gentleness and respect".  We are coming off a rather nasty political season (aren't all political seasons nasty?).  The language of politics is one of "power over" - the desire to paint the most undesirable picture of the opponent, without really ever addressing why "You" are the better alternative.  So also there is a lot of language in Christianity that seems more interested is asserting the "rightness" of biblical positions without regard for the qualities of humility and respect.  

What would it look like if we studied to become biblically and theologically literate - so that we would have substance to share with those who are seeking to find the truth;  AND an ability to publicly give reasonable, but faith-oriented, answers to those who attack Christ - but to do so with humility and respect...wouldn't it be great?


Paul said…
E, That would be great. For me though, knowing the bible is greatly important if I have a heart to "go and make disciples" as it says in the book of Matthew. Without Christ, I was a very selfish person. When I added Christ and started reading only then was I more prepared to give an answer to the hope I have to those who ask doing it with gentleness and respect. I have to confess though...I need help with the gentleness and respect part when I feel Christ being attacked. Hopefully I will keep reading and being transformed.

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