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Binding and Loosing

I awoke this morning thinking about praying for healing for several people.  Our church's worship on Sunday morning takes time to allow people to ask for prayer...most do not.  Some do.  When someone asks for prayer, I take it seriously.  It's my chief role as a Pastor - to guide our fellowship towards a relational prayer as community before God.
I often imagine coming before the Father with Jesus to ask for things.  It is a good way to imagine since it keeps me from trivializing things.  By "trivializing", I don't mean small things.  There are many small things to ask God for.  But trivial things are usually very self-orienting.  They usually are things that have to do with my own personal comfort and desires.  I don't think it's wrong to ask God for rain, for safety, for success in endeavors...but it is quite a different thing to ask for my team to get a touchdown, or a win.

In reading the Desert Fathers this summer I realize the importance of "community" in prayer.  Jesus' words on this come from Matthew 18:18-20 (NIV) 
18 "I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
19 "Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.
20 For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."

Binding and Loosing are elements of prayer.  A community bound together to believe in God's presence - "there I am with them" - is much more likely to engage in prayer together, rather than prayer apart.  

This is important to me as a Pastor.  The collection of believers together does not make for a community.  It could be as simple as realizing that married couples at times do not function as a married couple, but in actuality as merely two individuals who live together as married singles.  In that kind of a relationship - whether in a church, or marriage, or family, or business - egos rule, relationships are secondary to individual desires, wants and choices.  People are merely "together", but their self rules.  They are competing rather than complementing; they are living in the same space, but not joined in the same heart or desire.

It gives  you something to think about when Jesus says "if two of you...agree".  There can't be agreement when there is no desire or respect for community and the lifestyle of "together".

In a "MEGA" way we see that in our country right now.  We're beginning to hear about "blue" states and "red" states; about "battleground" states; and the division of classes and races.  It is not the recipe for a people acting together; but rather the realization that divisiveness fed by selfish interests rule the day.

SO... what can be done?  The church of which I speak of, or the marriages, or businesses, etc...would recognize and nourish real differences.  Instead of seeing them as a detriment they become a strength.  The strength of any community is not in being homogenous...where all the opinions and habits are of one source. That will only continue to further identify "US" over "THEM"...or "THOSE....."  

The ability to be a people who have "binding and loosing" authority will happen in marriage, in business, in church, in anything...when there is a commitment to trust, to work in commitment to each check the egos and strive for Christ's presence more than individual winning.



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