The widely acclaimed and hated "24" is about to return to the airways. Jack Bauer is the hero of this returning series...which never fails to entertain me, keep me locked in, and at the same time causes me know end of frustration. I was "caught" in the 24 web by it's unique storyline...that the shows all revolve around one hour of a 24 hour day. When my daughter and son-in-law watch it in England on DVD, it's only 42 minute hours! I get caught up every year in the story line and usually kick myself for watching it...uugh!
NOW, as to New Year's resolutions, I am keeping "Lost", more will I subject myself to the ongoing "Gilligan's Island with Attitude". done...kaput...time to move on to something that has a goal in mind.
Chalk it all up to grumpy old man
NOW, as to New Year's resolutions, I am keeping "Lost", more will I subject myself to the ongoing "Gilligan's Island with Attitude". done...kaput...time to move on to something that has a goal in mind.
Chalk it all up to grumpy old man