I have been teaching Scripture for almost 50 years now, and probably the two most difficult theological issues to understand - correctly - is what I posted last time concerning the Trinity, and today the doctrine of Election. When Christians begin to realize that Salvation is a work of God's grace and mercy apart from any works on their part, they often become confused about what this means both personally and others. One of the chief concerns is "if Election is completely God's will or choice, how do I know if I am elected by God?" The question itself gives me insight into their heart - to want to know with assurance that they are saved! I will allow Pastor Charles Spurgeon to fill in the details: Know Your Election For we know, brothers loved by God, that he has chosen you . (I Thessalonians 1:4) Many persons want to know their election before they look to Christ, but that is not possible; it is only to be discovered by “looking to Jesus.”1 If y...