According to Charles Spurgeon (yes I know I use him a lot, but he was a master with words and his theology is impeccable), we are In Christ - Objects of Divine Satisfaction He has blessed us in the Beloved. Ephesians 1:6 What a state of privilege! It includes our justification before God, but the term "blessed" in the Greek means more than that. It signifies that we are the objects of divine satisfaction , even of divine delight . How marvelous that we--worms, mortals, sinners--should be made the objects of divine love! But it is only " in the Beloved. " Some Christians seem to be accepted in their own experience-at least that is their apprehension. When their spirit is lively and their hopes bright, they think God accepts them, for they feel so high, so heavenly-minded, so drawn above the earth! But when their souls cleave to the dust, they are the victims of the fear that they are no longer accepted. If they could only see that ...