This next Sunday we'll complete a short five week series on "Growing". I started this four Sundays ago because I had the idea of doing five messages on this theme using a metaphor of the Garden to describe how we can grow. The outcome of real growth - whether in a garden, or in our own lives - is fruit. God built into the creation...plants, animals, humans...the ability to grow. Growth leads to reproduction. When we are growing we are able to reproduce, and that leads to real fruit. Many years ago I began to seek Christ in order to follow him and allow his life to define my life. It led me to lots of realizations - mainly along the line of my own flesh, and the need to deal with that flesh in order to continue to grow. Because of some habitual behaviors I was stuck...not growing. I picked up a book - small and short - but packed with insight into why we don't grow. From the author I went back to the New Testament and saw the words ...