I love celebrating Advent. With apologies, I am writing on Day 2 as I begin this time of Advent reflection. What is Advent? It is the celebration of the "arrival", the "coming" - from the Latin word, "Adventus". It is that time of the year that the church around the world comes together to proclaim together Jesus' advent into the world. He who was equal to God "emptied" himself and came as an infant male child, born of the virgin Mary and of Joseph his father...WHY? Because "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son..." The Advent season begins with festive preparation. The day after Thanksgiving Linda and I venture out into the country to a favorite farm and go Christmas tree "hunting". We talk every year of "what kind" of a tree do we want? The space we have is partly the issue, but we're looking for that "perfect" tree to decorate the space. Along with the tree, the villag...