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Showing posts from May, 2007

England and Scotland

We just returned from a trip to visit our daughter and son-in-law, Lindsay and Peter, who live in Bristol, England. While we were there we had the opportunity to drive up to Scotland for a few days. Of all the places we've visited over the years, England is still our favorite. The reason is simple...friends. We have lots of relationships that have been formed over the years and we love visiting people who we love and who also love us. Our history with England goes back to 1992/93 when we met Dave Day from Bristol Christian Fellowship. As time went along Dave brought many from Bristol to visit us. We also took quite a few trips across the pond to visit them. One of the relationships that opened up in time was Richard and Norma Roberts who now live in the village of Beaminster, in Somerset, south of Bristol by about an 1+hour. This small village is their new home and the place they also own a business. We spent the first weekend with them and had the opportunity to visit lots of old ...